FT-520 TPRC Redux Modifications

FT-520 TPRC Redux Modifications

JIRA reference:  FT-519FT-520


This process applies when there's a negative at any of the committees and after the applicant has reviewed and/or provided a rebuttal. The applicant will click the "Continue Review" button and s/he will be prompted with the questions below depending on the application type.


Tenure Only, Promotion Only, Tenure w/ Automatic Promotion types

Questions to ask the applicant after reviewing recommendations and providing a rebuttal

  • I submitted a rebuttal
  • I did not submit a rebuttal


TRPC Chair

Applicant Submits RebuttalTransition To
yesyesn/a - application doesn't flow through this processChancellor/Provost
yesnoyesTPRC redux
nonoyesTPRC redux

Tenure and Promotion Application Type

  • Known:
    • Requires 2 sets of votes and recommendations - one for Tenure and the other for promotion
    • Only 1 report uploaded by the chair
  • Assumptions
    • There was a negative recommendation at one of the committee levels for Tenure and/or Promotion
    • Table below outlines what to do based on the TRPC's recommendations, i.e. we don't need to be concerned with what the DPC,DC,Dean recommendations are
  • Questions to ask the applicant after reviewing recommendations and providing a rebuttal
    • I submitted a rebuttal to tenure (will be sent to the Chancellor/Provost)
    • I submitted a rebuttal to promotion (will be sent to the TPRC)
    • I submitted a rebuttal to both (will be sent to the TPRC)

I did not submit a rebuttal to either (will be sent to the Chancellor/Provost)


Tenure Recommendation

Promotion Recommendation

Rebut the TenureRebut the PromotionTransition To
yesyesyes or noyes or noChancellor/Provost

yesnoyesyesTPRC redux
yesnonoyesTPRC redux

noyes**yesyesTRPC redux
noyes**yesnoTRPC redux
noyes**noyesTRPC redux

nonoyesyesTPRC redux
nonoyesnoTRPC redux
nononoyesTPRC redux

** should never happen because you can't get a promotion without being tenured

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