Main Menu

Main Menu


  • Develop the main menu for all roles
  • JIRA FT-90FT-156

key summary type created updated due assignee reporter priority status resolution

There should only be 1 main menu file (main-menu.html) so remove home-applicant.html, home-dual.html, home-coordinator.html, home-administrator.html.

The main menu will display all applications that the user can view based on their role(s). If they hold a combination of roles that grants them access to the same application, only show the application once!

Anonymous - redirect them to the home page where they need to login
UH - user doesn't have any other role but is logged in; they should see an empty table with no applications
Administrator - display all applications in the system
Superuser - display all applications in the system
Coordinator - display all applications for their campus
Reviewer - display all applications that are at their review level, i.e. if they're in the DPC committee and the state = DPC review, show the app, otherwise don't show the app
Applicant - display applications where they are the applicant

If the user has multiple roles, the applications that display on the main screen should follow the role with the most privileges.  So in the case of a person being an administrator and coordinator, they should see all applications in the system on the main menu.

  • 1 single table with the applications that the user has access to
  • remove the "edit" icon on each record
    • make the application ID column of the result table clickable which replaces the "edit" icon
  • only for COORDINATOR role
    • show "Add" applications button
    • show "delete" icon

Column Names to Display

  • Application ID
  • Applicant's Name
  • Application Type
  • Campus
  • Year of Application

Below is a list of questions to be addressed as a result of this requirements document:

Do we need to open up the Add application functionality to the ADMINISTRATOR and SUPERUSER roles?yes