I2 Promotion Type

I2 Promotion Type

Jira Reference: FT-696


This is related to In Rank Applications document. There is a scenario where an I2 can apply for a promotion to an I3, which requires additional executive approvals and follows the normal T&P workflow that goes to the TPRC. In rank promotions will skip the TPRC if the prior committee levels are positive. This again only applies to 4 year campuses and all operate the same for the Instructor classification.


Add the section below to the Eligibility tab below the Initial and Current Appointment sections and above the Tenure/Promotion section.

  • Show the above section if the Current Classification is Instructor (I) and the Current Rank is 2A, 2B, 2C, 2D; the section will be hidden otherwise
  • if In-Rank checkbox is ticked, do not show the fields in the right column
  • If I3 Promotion checkbox is ticked, show the Dean Approval upload field and G-funded checkbox
  • If G-funded checkbox is ticked, show the Chancellor/President Approval upload field
    • Positions that are G-funded need Chancellor (UHWO and Hilo) / President (UHM) approval, otherwise this only needs Dean approval
  • Store the file uploads in the applicant's shared drive folder called ~tnp/i3-promotion-approval
