Financial Aid UH Modifications
UH Modified Form/Admin Page | Modification |
ROAENRL | Current Enrollment Hours (bottom).11/21/2008: Modified the POST-QUERY trigger on the SFBETRM block to use SFRSTCR instead of ROVSTCR to improve performance.05/22/2009: Modified the RORATND block to add a new field RORATND_TERM_CODE. 05/22/2009: Modified the WHERE condition in RORATND block to allow records to be displayed even when RORENRL record is not there.07/29/2010: Modified RORENRL, RORATND and SFBETRM where clauses so that term codes must be associated with a period where ROBPRDS_AIDY_CODE or ROBPRDS_AIDY_CODE_CROSS = :KEYBLCK_AIDY_CODE07/29/2010: Added new Financial Aid Enrollment by Period and Current Enrollment by Period Windows.06/24/2011: Added fields to the RORENRL, SFBETRM, RORATND, ROBPRDS, ATTEND_FA_REC, ROVSATD, ROBPRDS2, ATTEND_STUD_REC, ROVSTCR block and modified existing auto hints.10/18/2011: Modified sort order on RORATND and ROVSATD blocks to be by Term Code descending, Attending Date descending, Credit Hours descending.10/18/2011: Modified the ROBPRDS2 block query.06/25/2012: Modified ROAENRL so that Financial Aid Hours cannot be less than 0.07/31/2012: Modified ROAENRL so that the correct 'Charges Accepted' value shows for the student and term. |
ROAIMMP | Calculate SAP with same Calculated From and Effective Date09/13/2000: Added G$_SEARCH_PARAMETERS trigger and G$_CODE_CLASS property class to field DISPLAY_AUTH_DISB_AID_TERM. (Allow double click on term)11/26/2001: Modified KEY-NEXT-ITEM on KEYBLCK_AIDY_CODE. (invalid aid year code error)11/26/2001: Modified POST-UPDATE, KEY-COMMIT triggers to call the F_GET_TURN_OFF_PELL_IND Function from ROKFUNC.sql package, allowing schools to turn off automatic RPEPELL calculation.09/16/2005: Modified the RORSTAT KEY-COMMIT trigger to call correct version of the Need Analysis Results Form.12/10/2007: Modified ROAIMMP to run the correct version of RNARSxx depending on aid year.03/12/2008: Modified KEY-COMMIT trigger to prevent processing from running after acknowledging API errors.03/10/2009: Modified the DISP_PELL_MSG so that this process will cause PELL Calculation to be perfomed is displayed only when the Pell Calculation is performed.11/05/2010: Modified ROAIMMP to not call ROIDISB and SFIWDRL forms in query mode from Options menu. |
ROASMRY | 02/08/2005: Modify the list of values button on the F5 navigation window to remove the visual attribute on the tooltip.09/24/2005: Modified block RRRAREQ to implement calls to the RB_REQUIREMENTS API. This required adding a new ON-UPDATE trigger. The form is also executing new ON-ROLLBACK and POST-FORM-COMMIT triggers to make this block message aware. 03/11/2008: Modified RRRAREQ block level Insert Allowed Property to 'No'.08/04/2009: Modified SBGI Code to not allow updates.08/04/2009: Modified Promissory Notes Block with calls to the new Promissory Note APIs,added rb_promissory_note.p_update to ON-UPDATE trigger of RFRPROM block.06/29/2015: Modified Logic in Enable-Pages trigger to look for both DL MPN and other promissory notes for enabling the tab. |
RPAAWRD | 11/08/1996: Modifying the query.12/19/2002: Modified the form for an addtional check to precent the awarding of Pell term awards if another Pell fund code has a non-zero award amount.09/22/2003: Modify forms RPAAWRD, RPAAPMT, and ROARMAN to prevent the manual deletion of terms in the Award Term window if the term has been memoed, authorized or paid. Modified DELETE_RPRATRM_VALIDATION trigger. 06/14/2005: Modified block RPRADSB to implement calls to the RB_AWARD_DISBURSEMENT API. Modified Insert Allowed property to No for items RPRADSB_DISBURSE_AMT, RPRADSB_TRAN_NUMBER, RPRADSB_DISBURSE_DATE, RPRADSB_ALTERNATE_PELL_IND, RPRADSB_PELLC_DISB_LOAD, RPRADSB_PELLC_DISB_LOAD_OPT. |
RPIATRM | 10/27/2010: Modified to display the awards and periods which exist for the aid year in the key-block. All periods which are part of the student's aid period should be displayed, including crossover periods. |
SFASCRE | 05/21/2020: Security controls. Can only make changes to your vpdi. Added Institution column. Added logic to check Preserve Override Box when a grade (other than W) is entered. |
SGASTDN | 09/17/2022: Add a modification to SGASTDN admin page which will return an error if a student's home campus is being changed and aid greater than 0 is either memoed, authorized, or paid at another institution. |
UH Modified JobSub | Modification | Type |
RCRTPxx | 04/07/2010: Added code to set multiuse context to OVERRIDEALL in function recrbody and ins_sorcont_n and set them back to RESTRICT right after. | Procedure |
RORFSxx | 08/11/2011: Added SGBSTDN_VPDI_CODE = G$_VPDI_SECURITY.G$_VPDI_GET_INST_CODE_FNC to select only from home campus in pop_temp_enrol.01/14/2015: Replaced '(TMCHAR)NULL' with '\0' in function post_treq_infc because of compilation warning message 'cast from pointer to integer of different size.' | PRO*C |
RPEDISB | 08/21/2006: Changed msg numbers from MSG-119 through MSG-122 to MSG-121 through MSG-124 since MSG-119 and MSG-120 are now used in 7.02/05/2007: Removed 'INST CODE IS INVALID' message display. It mistakenly displayed on rpedisb_xxxxx.clg file. | COBOL |
| JAVA |
RPEPELL | 01/15/2003: Added code so that the process context is set correctly because this process doesn't use the SETROLE library. We changed the SETROLE library to set the process context in all ProCOBOL processes. | COBOL |
RPRSMRT | 12/21/2006: Added vpdi_code in where clause because SGBSTDN doesn't have any policy on it like FA tables do. This way sel_major_code only gets home campus major codes.10/21/2010: Applied vpd on sgbstdn statements to get only home campus major codes. | PRO*C |
RPRTIVC | 08/04/2010: Added SGBSTDN_VPDI_CODE = G$_VPDI_SECURITY.G$_VPDI_GET_INST_CODE_FNC in selThisTermId. | Procedure |
RSRENRL | 02/18/2005: Fixed problem reported on missing CONSORTIUM_UNITS column:
08/09/2005: Problem reported that rorenrl consortium column was not being updated.08/15/2006: Changed 'set_vpdi_process_context' call syntax to 'vpdi_set_process_context' due to Banner 7x changes in G$_VPDI_SECURITY package. | PRO*C |
RWRAMSN | 05/07/2005: PROBLEM if there are no valid mailing addresses we want to give the most current PR address.11/08/2006: Changed G$_VPDI_SECURITY.G$_SET_VPDI_PROCESS_CONTEXT call to G$_VPDI_SECURITY.G$_VPDI_SET_PROCESS_CONTEXT.09/11/2007: Updated rwramsn_new_loan.lis report to output the Banner student id. Student Id was an optional field and if not used it was left blank.07/13/2008: As of June 1, 2008 Regulatory Update, the Academic level and Award year will be required for NSLDS on Perkins new loans and advances for disbursements made on or after July 1, 2008. The new loans and advances will reject if the data is missing.04/16/2010: Created two new data items (procTermIn & enrlTerm2) to be used in getEnrlTerm and getEnrollment.09/08/2014: Remove unreferenced subroutine valDesc(). Linux-side c compiler complains about mixed typing between TMCHAR and CHAR. (Banner to Linux project)02/16/2017: Modified CURSORs currentSfrstcrEnrlCur, sfrstcrEnrlCur and enrlHoursCur in function getEnrollment. | PRO*C |
RZPEPER | 02/12/2014: Custom UH Job, Electronic Perkins Loan Extract09/08/2014: Banner to Linux project | PRO*C |