Automated Financial Aid Disbursement
Functional | @Troy Takahashi |
Technical | System Administrator |
Automated Financial Aid Disbursement runs on: Monday, Wednesday, and Friday at 3:00AM
Average Run Times:
First Fall Disbursement: 1hour 30 minutes
First Spring Disbursement: 2hours 50minutes
Nightly Disbursement: 50minutes - 1hour
Change Schedule:
Fall Begin: July XX, YYYY (Start after FYE finishes)
Notify DBA’s ( Automated Financial Aid Disbursement has been turned on
Fall Special Financial Aid Disbursement: August XX, YYYY (10 days prior to the start of the semester)
This may not be needed if 10 days prior is on a Monday, Wednesday, or Friday
Fall End: December XX, YYYY (First Friday in December)
Spring Begin: December XX, YYYY (Following Monday)
Spring Special Financial Aid Disbursement: December 31, YYYY; January 01, YYYY, or 10 days prior to the start of the semester (whichever is later)
Coordinate the date with the 10 institutions before they start to do their New Year Roll around September (i.e. September 2022 for aid year 2425)
Notify Accounts Receivable Functional Team (
Spring End: May XX, YYYY (Last day of Spring semester)
Notify DBA’s ( Automated Financial Aid Disbursement has been turned off
Automated Financial Aid Disbursement is turned off for Summer. Institutions are responsible for running disbursement for the Summer term.
JIRA: Create JIRA for these requests. Part of the Special Disbursement script is to run TGRAPPL\/TGRUNAP\/TGRAPPL (Apply\/Unapply\/Apply). This is a pre-approved Change Management.
Special Disbursements: Email Financial Aid Administrators once disbursement is complete. Review files in SSH (/jobsub/UH/automated/finaid/XXX)