Duplicate ID
Two UH custom processes created to identify where a pidm exists in the database and to remove the pidm from all financial aid tables (except logging table, RORLOGM).
Processes are based off of Banner Financial Aid Quick Reference: Tips for removing an EDE/ISIR record loaded to the wrong Student ID.
rzplsid (UH Identify Finaid Students)
Parameter 01: Student ID
This is the Student ID for the account marked as DO NOT USE
Output: Financial aid tables where the Student ID exists for all 10 institutions
Save the file. Separate file based on institutions. Email institutions to see if it is okay to remove all data from the Financial Aid Tables.
HAW: calvin.black@hawaii.edu
HIL: nanim@hawaii.edu, sherriep@hawaii.edu
HON: jfalenof@hawaii.edu, larahs@hawaii.edu
KAP: jbradley@hawaii.edu
KAU: carna@hawaii.edu, jeffa@hawaii.edu
LEE: greggy@hawaii.edu
MAN: reynas@hawaii.edu
MAU: karenhs@hawaii.edu, davilieig@hawaii.edu
Note: MAU does not remove financial aid data. However, email them to inform them of the Duplicate ID and of the ID which is being retained.
WIN: arc8@hawaii.edu
WOA: indrajit@hawaii.edu, joshiro6@hawaii.edu
Once you receive the okay to remove Financial Aid data, run the process rzpldid.
rzpldid (UH FinAid Students Deletion):
Parameter 01: Student ID
This is the Student ID for the account marked as DO NOT USE
Parameter 02: VPDI/MEP Code
This is the vpdi code in which you are removing Financial Aid data (i.e. MAN)
This needs to be run for each vpdi code
Email the person back to notify them that Financial Aid data has been removed.
Note: Check TSAAREV to see if there are any A/R data. If yes, determine if there are any payments made from the Financial Aid tables. If yes, do not remove the data.
Sample Email:
ID marked as DO NOT USE: 12345678
ID being retained: 98765432
The attached output identifies where financial data exists for the ID which will be marked as DO NOT USE. Please review and let me know if it is okay to remove all data from the financial aid tables.
Please let me know if you have any questions.
Thank you,