2018-03-29 T&P Applicant Feedback Session #1
Time: 1pm
- Sandra Uyeno (CC)
- Susan Lee (CC)
- Mariko Kershaw (WCC)
- Clara Bantolina (HCC)
- Erica Lacro (HCC)
- Ross Egloria (HCC)
- Ina Miller-Cabasung (HCC)
- David Tsugawa (HawaiiCC on GoToMeeting)
- Nani Azman (Maui College)
Eligibility section
- applicant's liked that they didn't have to fill out that section
- Clara did it for HCC applicants but not all coordinators did it
- some questioned why it was there because they couldn't edit it but it's helpful to view
- put a note there that this is to be filled out by the campus coordinator
- helpful if it was completed by the time the application deadline hit
Dossier section
- Did you like the predefined sections?
- yes because it was a helpful template
- liked that they could edit the sections as well as create their own sections
- one applicant combined 2 sections
- mariko deleted all sections and just uploaded a single document
- likes word and the hyperlinking and other features with that program
- some of the functionality of word didn't transfer over so she had to take it out which sucked
- bookmarks didn't work
- TOC might not have worked
- ross liked the freedom but when a non-techy looked at it they might get confused on what to do
- one size fits all might not work because between campuses, coordinators are advising their applicants at their campus differently
- some campuses might highlight different categories but that's a cultural thing
- this is essentially a TOC
- couldn't create a native google doc within T&P
- Ross started in google doc, then he would have to download to word, and then it would get converted back to google doc
- or let the applicants know not to start it in google docs
- as a reviewer, 1 page was more his style
- david kept the sections but combined a couple of them
- like the categories as a guideline so he knew what to put or work on in priority
- found it easier to upload to individual sections because when that part was done he could upload it vs having to change the entire document and update hyperlinks
- used the visual section as a checklist as to what's been done
- Because he didn't have to do pagination, it made all of the other difficulties minor
- "i never want to go back to paper"
- biggest worry was that his dossier was too small
- some paginated per section
- PDFs were an issue because the linking didn't work
- applicant chose linking over pretty
- it'll hold external links but not internal links like TOCs
- is there a software to preserve the links from word or google doc?
- Google drive was a good decision because they could get their documents in order
Unable to hyperlink directly to a spot in a PDF file because some of the PDFs were huge
Would be nice to link the appendices section to the google drive folder because it was in 2 places essentially
More training for those that don't have a technology background because the dossier is hard enough to write
- showing how to link with labels
- how to search in the browser
David said that he had to modify his document uploaded to a section and then he found that his hyperlinks were lost
- he's doing it in Pages so maybe when he downloaded from google, it didn't retain the hyperlinks
Not having to do pagination of the appendicies
- the reviewers can't download it so pagination is moot
"Find" feature in the browser
Are we tied to Google Drive because most people are familiar with Word and Microsoft is important in business
- can the user choose whether or not to convert a document to the native google equivalent?
- the google previewer will not be able to translate features of the Word document
- TOC won't work
- hyperlinks work
- the google previewer will not be able to translate features of the Word document
Team drive is a good idea
- applicants are able to export the entire drive before their access is revoked so that they don't have to keep copies
David asked how are the reviewers reviewing dossiers and what they thought of the format?