2018-05-11 Meeting with OVCAA

2018-05-11 Meeting with OVCAA


Bev McCleary

Deena Yamamoto

Cameron Ahana



  • went over the form with them and where the data was being pulled from

Confidential Letters of Evaluation

  • if ITS can't build it in this year, OVCAA will handle outside of the system
  • The DPC Chair, DC Chair, or the CC/OC uploads the letters
  • Must be available to all of the committees to review
  • letters start coming in late October and as late as December
    • can come in piecemeal
  • letters are not to be seen at all by the applicants so they must be stored on the server


  • OVCAA will start training in August when faculty return to school
    • will have 10 applicants for 2018
  • will sit in on CC training in July

Workflow (minus)

  • reviewed proposed changes
  • applicant has 5 days to choose to review
  • applicant has 10 days to review and submit supporting docs
    • at the end of 10 days, send reminder email to campus coordinator if the coordinator hasn't pushed it to the next level

Reports (minus)

  • Got a copy of the BOR summary report for the year's T&P applicants
