2018-03-28 Meeting with Manoa Chancellors Office

2018-03-28 Meeting with Manoa Chancellors Office


  • Garret Yoshimi
  • Susan Inouye
  • Cameron Ahana
  • Beverly McCreary
  • Deena Yamamoto


Manoa wants to use the T&P system that was developed for the CCs.

  • 7 different ranks
  • external letters are attached to the application (by whom?)
    • can be seen by all reviewing committees
    • cannot be seen by the applicant
  • unit by unit basis controls access to the dossier
    • CC's have campus coordinators but Manoa is decentralized where they push the coordinator work out to the units?
  • has 100 - 130 applications per year
  • hard deadlines are application deadline and TPRC deadline

Action Items

  • Cameron Ahana setup Bev and Deena in the TEST environment
  • Cameron Ahana conduct fit gap analysis between T&P system and the requirements documents from Bev
  • Cameron Ahana setup follow up meeting with MCO
  • Deena Yamamoto send Cameron the link to the exclusion website that MCO built