

Element Name



The UH Username.

Each person affiliated with the University may obtain a UH Username.  More information on obtaining a UH Username is available.

UH Data Classification
  • Restricted per Executive Policy 2.214

Element Qualities

Unique identifier.  This identifier will never knowingly be assigned to another person.

LDAP Attribute Info

  • Name: uid
  • OID: 0.9.2342.19200300.100.1.1
  • Indexing: yes
  • Required: no
  • Multivalued: yes(1)

Format for Storage


Example Stored Data(1)


Systems of RecordUH Identity Management System (UHIMS)
UHIMS Events
  • uid appears under messageData in all username messages:
    • addUsername
    • modifyUsernameUid
    • modifyUsernameDisplayName
    • modifyUsernameUhuuid
    • deleteUsername
  • uids appears everywhere uhUuid appears


  1. There is no significance to the order of appearance. No assumptions can be made about the contents of the first row, for example.
  2. UHIMS defined uid format:
    1. At least 2 characters and at most 8 characters in length, with at least 2 letter characters.
    2. Only consists of number and letter characters, and no special characters.
    3. Starts with a letter character.
    4. Does not have the numbers 1, 5, or 0 after letter characters to prevent mistaking those numbers for the letters L, S, or O.
    5. Does not have numbers between letter characters.
  3. The UH Username is used to construct the @hawaii.edu email address. It is kept in sync with eduPersonPrincipalName, uhEmail and one of the values for mail (these three are the uid followed by @hawaii.edu)
  4. Note that in about 50 cases more than 1 value may be returned.  There are rare cases where a second UH Username is a requirement.

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