IAM Data Element Dictionary
UHIMS provides following data elements (AKA "attributes") via UH Login and LDAP.
Table of Contents
Data Elements Organized by Purpose
Person Identifiers
ORCID (eduPersonOrcid)
eduPersonPrincipalName (aka ePPN)
UH Number (uhUuid)
UH Username (uid)
Name Information
Display Name (displayName)
First Name (givenName)
Full Name (cn)
Last Name (sn)
Contact Information
Email Addresses (mail, see also uhEmail below)
Office FAX (facsimileTelephoneNumber)
Office Location (physicalDeliveryOfficeName)
Office Phone Number (telephoneNumber)
UH Email Address (uhEmail)
Organizational Information
Affiliations by Organization:
Affiliations by Organization and Role
uhScopedHomeOrg for the primary/home campus
Affiliations by Role
Bargaining Unit (uhBargainingUnit)
Campus Key (campusKey)
Department Name (ou)
Employee Record Number (employeeRecord)
Employee Status (employeeStatus)
Employee Type Code (employeeTypeCode)
Employing Agency Code (eac)
Full Time Equivalency (fte)
Functional Code (functionalCode)
Job Code (jobCode)
Job Position Number (positionNumber)
Job Title (title)
System of Record (dataOrigin)
UH Unit Code (uhUnitCode)
Acknowledgements and Certifications (ACER) (uhAcknowledgement)
Misc MetaData (uhMetaData)
Personal Home Page URL (labeledURI)
UH Groupings Released (uhReleasedGrouping)
Alphabetized List of Data Elements, by Attribute Name
campusKey - Campus Key
cn - Full Name
dataOrigin - System of Record (SoR)
displayName - Display Name
eac - Employing Agency Code
eduPersonAffiliation - Affiliations by Role
eduPersonOrcid - ORCID
eduPersonOrgDN - Affiliations by Organization
eduPersonPrincipalName (aka ePPN)
employeeRecord - Employee Record Number
employeeStatus - Employee Status
employeeTypeCode - Employee Type Code
givenName - First Name
facsimileTelephoneNumber - Office FAX
fte - Full Time Equivalency
functionalCode - Functional Code
jobCode - Job Code
labeledURI - Personal Home Page
mail - Email Address, see also uhEmail below
org - Affiliations by Organization
ou - Department Name
physicalDeliveryOfficeName - Office Location
positionNumber - Job Position Number
role - Affiliations by Role, finer grained
sn - Last Name
telephoneNumber - Office Phone Number
title - Job Title
uhAcknowledgement - Acknowledgements and Certifications (ACER)
uhBargainingUnit - Bargaining Unit
uhEmail - UH Email Address
uhIntraDirAffiliation - For internal use only
uhMetaData - Misc Metadata
uhOrgAffiliation - Affiliations by Organization and Role
uhReleasedGrouping - UH Groupings Released
uhScopedHomeOrg - Primary/Home Campus
uhUnitCode - UH Unit Code
uhUuid - UH Number
uid - UH Username
Most of the above are also LDAP attributes with the exact name. The exceptions are:
Not in LDAP
Embedded in uhScopedHomeOrg (which is only for the home campus in Banner/PeopleSoft, and therefore, non-home data for the following is not in LDAP)
Draft Data Elements
Any data elements listed here should be thought of as candidates for implementation and, therefore, may experience significant changes before a final draft is reached. There is no guarantee that a draft data element will be implemented unless specifically stated. Comments, etc are welcomed and can be emailed to its-iam-help@lists.hawaii.edu.
no draft data elements at this time; check New Data Elements to see what might be en route to production
New Data Elements
New data elements that are destined for Production are initially added to the appropriate Test LDAP environments for integration work. Once integration work has successfully concluded and the UH App Developer community sufficiently informed, the attributes will be promoted to the appropriate Production LDAP environments.
none at this time
Data Classification
In the IAM data element dictionary, each data element's classification is provided. The majority of the data elements are considered "restricted" level protected data.
For a complete presentation of the UH data classification levels, the following UH Data Governance resource is available:
The following table provides an overview and examples of UH's data classifications.
The UH LDAP schema borrows heavily from the Internet2 EduPerson schema, details of which are <http://macedir.org/specs/eduperson/>.