


ACER provides the UH online community with a list of the Acknowledgements and Certifications that they may need in order to access some of UH’s online services.

ACER acknowledgements and certifications are available in LDAP and can be used to ensure that a person has performed an acknowledgement or obtained a certification as a prerequisite for access to your application. For example, it is currently possible to require an employee to have completed the UH General Confidentiality Notice as a prerequisite. If a person hasn't, your application can be provide a link to ACER so that the person may use ACER to review and acknowledge the General Confidential Notice.

ACER is an acceptable replacement for the paper-based UH Form 92.

More info on ACER as a service is located here.

Accessing ACER online


Utilizing ACER for Authorizations

A person's acknowledgements and certification information is published in LDAP and CAS and may be utilized by an application to determine if a person is authorized to access the applications. For example, if a person has not completed an on-line UH General Confidentiality Notice, your application can determine this fact from the returned CAS attributes and provide the user with a message explaining why they are not currently authorized for access.

See How to check for ISAT and GCN compliance and uhAcknowledgement.


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