

Element Name



The UH-assigned email address. It has at most one entry. It can be used by applications that prefer to utilize only the one official UH-assigned email address.

  • Students, Faculty, Staff and select others are assigned a single UH email address.
  • For academic purposes this is the student's official email address, per Executive Policy E2.213, System and Campus-Wide Electronic Channels for Communicating with Students.

MACE-Dir LISTSERV list discussions

The Internet2 MACE-Dir LISTERV list has discussed this attribute in the past and is again discussing it as of Sep 2015. The proposal for an attribute named institutionalUserMailAddress that matches what is described herein was ultimately rejected a few years back by the list membership. That discussion included an additional attributed called institutionalUserMailAddressPrior.

The purpose of the new UH Email Address attribute is to address issues developers are having with the current multi-value attribute. The first occurrence of that attribute might yield the anticipated UH email address, or the first.last UH email address, or, on occasion, a 3rd-party email address.

UH Data Classification

Public, except for students, per Executive Policy 2.214

Restricted for students, per Administrative Procedure 7.022

LDAP Attribute Info

  • Name: uhEmail
  • OID:
  • Indexing: no
  • Required: no
  • Multivalued: no

Required Format for Storage


Example Stored Data

Systems of Record

UH Identity Management System (UHIMS)


  1. First.last name formatted email addresses are not stored here.
  2. See attribute mail for the complete set of assigned email addresses.
  3. It is usually kept in sync with eduPersonPrincipalName and one of the values for mail, both of which derive from uid.

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