

Element Name



Stores the primary roles assigned to people affiliated with UH.  Each individual may be assigned to one more more roles.

These are high-level roles.  For additional granularity, see role

A number of UH online services require not just a working set of UH credentials (username and password) but also require that the person currently have one the above roles in order to access the service.  This is known as Roles Based Access Control RBAC).  The above roles are available to application authenticating with the UH Web Login Service, as well as with the core UH LDAP service.

See also uhOrgAffiliation

See also UH Role Assignments, Role Transitions and Systems of Record.

UH Data Classification

Public per Executive Policy 2.214

  • FERPA protections are applicable per Administrative Procedure 7.022.

LDAP Attribute Info

  • Name: eduPersonAffiliation
  • OID:
  • Indexing: yes
  • Required: yes
  • Multivalued: yes(1)

Required Format for Storage


Example Stored Data(1)

Must be one of more of the following values in LDAP:


UH Faculty, note that this includes librarians, teaching assistants and research assistants


UH Staff, note that this includes non-compensated employees


UH student, grad and undergrads, 
does not includes applications (pre students),
does not usually include non-credit students but a campus representative could add them ad hoc


Includes guests, affiliates, visitors, etc.  (in the future, this should be replaced with 'affiliate' in order to conform to the eduPerson recipe)

affiliateOnly used in VIA at this time

See role for additional details

Systems of RecordBanner, PeopleSoft HR, SECE, RCUH, UHIMS
UH Group StoreSee role equivalents
UHIMS EventsSee role equivalents


  1. There is no significance to the order of appearance. No assumptions can be made about the contents of the first row, for example.
  2. As information is received from each System of Record the stored data is updated with the most recent information provided.
  3. Only faculty and staff are listed in the UH Online Directory.
  4. The ITS Help Desk provides updates and corrections as needed.

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