

Element Name



The UH Number (often referred to as "Employee ID", "Student ID", or "UH ID")

Each person affiliated with the University is assigned a single UH Number.  For example, person who is in both the University HR system and the Student Information System have just one UH Number that will be common to both.  In the rare circumstance that a person is accidentally issued a second UH Number, the duplicate is removed and retired to prevent reassignment.

The UH Number must *never* be used as a shared secret for authentication, authorization, or otherwise utilized such that a student (or anyone for that matter) would have to worry about it falling into the wrong hands and getting misused. See UH Number FAQ for more information.

UH Data ClassificationRestricted per Executive Policy 2.214
Element QualitiesThis identifier is never to be reassigned to another person.

LDAP Attribute Info

  • Name: uhUuid
  • OID:
  • Indexing: yes
  • Required: no
  • Multivalued: no

Required Format for Storage

string(12), format {0..9}

Example Stored Data


Standard Display Formats

  • xxxxxxxx
  • xxxx-xxxx

Example output with masking


Systems of RecordUH Identity Management System (UHIMS)
UHIMS Events
  • uhUuid appears in every message
  • A new uhUuid is usually created with addPerson
  • modifyPersonUhUuid is important when resolving duplicate records for a person


  1. Currently, the UH Number is only 8 characters long. It may be expanded to 12 characters in the future, at which time the output mask will change to xxxx-xxxx-xxxx.
  2. A missing or unusual uhUuid indicates that the account is a "departmental" account used for publication and not a personal account.

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