2019-04-08 Meeting with Funcationals

2019-04-08 Meeting with Funcationals


Review Project Charter III

Priority List

CC Priority

Manoa Priority

When needed?JIRAHas FDS?Enhancement/Improvement
HighHighnext JanuaryFT-294No

Create a separate google team drive for rebuttals

  • Allow the faculty to create additional information in the team drive and the dossier but lock down the original dossier and team drive
  • possible solution: create a separate team drive and dossier section that the applicant can manipulate
MediumMediumnext January




At the "Review Dossier" state, do not grant the applicant view access to their dossier

  • grant access if the applicant decides to review their dossier
MediumMediumOctoberFT-193NoSend an application back to a previous committee


This is actually High for us


Allow for DPC rebuttals

  • this is college specific
  • applicants would require access to the team drive and dossier tab
-HighPrior to applicants being selectedFT-295No

Implement unit coordinators

  • unit coordinators cannot see other colleges' applications
  • unit coordinators cannot see the TPRC committee members

Implement "Withdrawal" status

  • grant the coordinators the ability to withdraw an applicant's application and set the status of the application to "Withdrawn"
  • For a withdrawn application, the applicant cannot see the DPC and DC assessments if the application is withdrawn prior to the Dean submitting their assessment; the applicant can see the assessments otherwise
LowLowJanuaryFT-300YesDynamically create a batch job to fire off 5 or 10 days after the applicant receives the Review Dossier email

External Letters

  • only reviewing committees can view them
  • applicant must NEVER see these so the files must be stored on the server and not on the team drive
LowLownext AprilFT-298Yes


  • BOR report generally due at their June meeting
LowLowJune/JulyFT-194NoElectronic dossier library


  • High - has top priority and will be worked on first
  • Medium - will be worked on after all High priority items have been completed
  • Low - will get to them when we can


  • All - prioritize enhancements above