Five Year Review

Five Year Review



Executive policy 9.203

James Doi

  • he built the five year review tracking system

Once faculty reach Rank 5, they are reviewed every 5 years to make sure that they are productive. Because the process was so manual, many campuses didn't enforce this.

It's a tracking system to monitor the contract renewals, T/P, 5 year review


[Usually a use case is categorized as High Level Summary, Summary, User Goal, Sub-Function, or Low Level to describe what level in the system the use case stimuli and response take place ]

User Goal


[Describe the event that initiates the use case.]

Supervisor clicks on the APT workflow off of the main menu

Primary Actor

[Designate the actor whose goal is satisfied in this use case, and has the most significant interest in the outcome]


Additional/Supporting Actor

[List other actors that play a supporting role in the use case and impact the outcome.]

Supporting Actors:

  • HR Rep has access to positions via the EACs that she has access to


[List the system state/conditions which must be true before this Use Case can be executed.]

The user must be a supervisor for a position

Main Success Scenario

[Document the steps that illustrate the straightest or simplest path (the “happy path”) to accomplishing the goal. The main success scenario should describe the actors’ actions/stimuli and system response to the action or stimulus. This scenario should always end with a success end condition.]

  1. User logs in
  2. The system queries the position service to check if the user is a supervisor
  3. If the user is a supervisor, the Supervisor Actions section displays on the main menu, otherwise the use case ends
  4. Supervisor clicks on the APT option
  5. The system queries the position service to retrieve a list of positions that the supervisor has access to


Success End Condition

[Describe the end condition of the Use Case where the Primary Actor’s goal is satisfied]

The supervisor can view a list of all positions that she has access to

Failure End Condition

[Describe the end condition that results if the Primary Actor fails to accomplish his goal.]

The supervisor cannot create or update the PD for this position

Special Requirements

[Describe any additional factors that impact the execution of the use case. These could be environmental, regulatory, organizational or market-driven in nature.]



Design and Interface

[Wireframes, mockups, or screen shots of what the screen or interface looks like]

Questions, Issues and Next Steps

[Note any issues related to the definition of this use case that will require clarification prior to development. Also list any follow-up work that needs to be done prior to sign-off on the use case.]



Next Steps


DateBy WhomAction
Initial creation of document