FT-307 Set a deadline for TPRC exclusions

FT-307 Set a deadline for TPRC exclusions


Lock out the applicant from modifying the exclusions form once the application reaches the SUBMITTED state (StateID 102)

  • the coordinator must be able to modify the exclusions form

Edit Read Only
Applicant101any state but 101
Coordinatorany state but 101, 115101, 115

* numbers in the matrix represent the StateID

Log actions taken on the exclusion form (by whom and when)

  • code should already be doing this; see db tables ACTION (ids 40 and 41) and ACTION_LOG

Notes from discussion with functionals

Soft deadlines to input names on this list
* CC - end of October
** CCs give their applicants deadline of 1w, 1.5w, 2w (all over the board)
* Manoa - end of November

need to build in some flexibility because people forget to add their names
* allow coordinators to add names after deadline
* toggle on/off ability for applicant to add names
* possibly let the coordinators set the deadline
* FPP comes into play as far as deadline because newly tenured and promoted faculty list doesn't come out until August 1st.