Unit Coordinator Role

Unit Coordinator Role

JIRA reference: FT-716



Manoa has so many departments that they rely on unit coordinators to manage their unit's T&P and CR applications. The one restriction is that they cannot view the TPRC members. Manoa has handled this in the past by removing the unit coordinators from the system prior to OVPAE adding the TPRC members. It's a confidentiality issue that unit coordinators should never see the TPRC members.


Create a new system role labeled "Unit Coordinator".

This role will have the same access as the Coordinator role for a given office. The one difference is that on the Committees tab

  • remove the TPRC members from the view
  • remove the TPRC Reviewer and TPRC Chair options from the drop down menu when adding/editing a member


Main menu - view applications for their office

Access to Screens - same as coordinator

Google permissions - same as coordinator

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