Role of the Coordinator

Role of the Coordinator

Each campus has a designated coordinator, who is the Chancellor's secretary at the CC campuses. At the 4 year campuses, there will be a coordinator per school or college. 


  • Main Menu
    • Create the applications for the upcoming TnP cycle
    • Edit the applications if you need to change the application type, year or campus
  • Eligibility Tab
    • Review and input accurate data for each applicant
    • Applicant does not have edit permissions on this tab so the applicant will contact you if changes need to be made
  • Committee Tab
    • Input the members for each committee
    • Adding/removing committee members when the application is being reviewed is allowed
      • Adding a member to a committee at which the application resides will not send an email to the new committee member so be sure to let the committee member know
    • You will not be able to add a TPRC member if that person is on the Exclusions tab
    • Each committee must have a designated committee "Chair" because that chair will have access to the Recommenations tab and is responsible for choosing the committee's recommendation and uploading the committee's report
  • Dossier tab
    • You have edit rights to the dossier but do not edit or delete anything
    • If a committee needs additional information, you are the point of contact; work with the applicant to get the additional information and you must upload that to the applicant's dossier. It's recommended to create a new section, such as "Additional Information for DPC", and upload the new files under that section. Let the committee chair know when the additional information is available for their review.
  • Misc
    • After you have completed the Eligibility and Committee tabs, start the workflow process by clicking the "Start Review" button, which will automatically notify the DPC committee via email that an application is ready for their review.

    • If you do not do the above step, the application will be stuck at the SUBMITTED state until you do so!

    • Ensure that committees are reviewing applications in accordance with campus TnP deadlines

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