Scheduled Jobs
There's a user interface to schedule batch jobs in the system under the Admin tab.
Administrator must remember to set the 1 hard deadline for application submittal, which is the 1st Friday in October.
Administrators have the option of specifying a simple or cron trigger
- 1st Friday in October
- 0 30 16 ? OCT 6#1 *
- There is no cron expression that represents 2 days before the 1st Friday in October, which is when the functionals want the "empty dossier check" job to run so it must be set as a simple trigger
Give Applicant Opportunity to Review Dossier
Purpose: To give the applicant 5 days to choose to review dossier
Who Creates: TnP system
When to Create: if there's a negative recommendation after the TPRC makes their assessment
When to Fire: on the 5th day after it's created
Outcome: transitions the application from AWAITING APPLICANT DECISION to CHANCELLOR ASSESSMENT
Email Reminder to Coordinator to Continue Review after Applicant Reviews Dossier
Purpose: To give the applicant 10 days to review dossier and provide additional information to the coordinator for the TPRC to review
Who Creates: TnP system
When to Create: once the applicant clicks the "Review Dossier" button
When to Fire: on the 10th day after the transition to APPLICANT REVIEWING
Outcome: sends an email to the coordinator (reminder to continue review)