Managing your department's GCN or ISAT compliance

Managing your department's GCN or ISAT compliance

You can request the following groupings to manage your department's compliance with GCN or ISAT.

These groupings automatically calculate who is compliant, who is not, and who needs to renew soon.  This saves you from having to retrieve the date of compliance for each person and figuring out whether the person is compliant.  It is better to let us figure that out for you instead of you hardcoding calculations that may change in the future.  For example, if we shorten the validity period of ISAT from one year to 6 months, your application would have stale logic.

GroupingWhat the grouping represents
DEPT-NAME-gcn-non-compliantPeople in your department who are NOT currently compliant with GCN.
DEPT-NAME-gcn-compliantPeople in your department who are currently compliant with GCN.  The GCN does not expire until the person leaves UH.  There is no renewal required for the GCN.

DEPT-NAME-isat-non-compliantPeople in your department who are NOT currently compliant with ISAT.
DEPT-NAME-isat-compliantPeople in your department who are currently compliant with ISAT.
DEPT-NAME-isat-renewPeople in your department who are currently compliant with ISAT but should re-certify in 30 days or less.

Please use the UH Groupings Request Form to request the above groupings.  You can use one form for all groupings. Be sure to include you department or organization name and whether you want GCN, ISAT or both.   If you want the above groupings to also have a mailing list, please be sure to specify the LISTSERV settings you desire. Don't worry too much about where to specify the information, but here are some suggestions:

  • Enter the name or title to describe your Grouping:
    • Provide an abbreviation for your department, e.g. uhm-math
  • Please describe the purpose of your requested Grouping
    • State whether you want to track GCN, ISAT or both.  State whether you want all 3 groupings for each or only some of the 3 for each (non-compliant, compliant, renew)
  • Explain how you would like your Grouping's "Basis" to be populated.
    • Here you would describe which population in your department you want to track.  For example, "I want to track compliance by all faculty and staff in the College of Engineering at Manoa."
  • Publish your Grouping to a LISTSERV List?

    • If any the groupings you want will also be a mailing list, check Yes here

  • LISTSERV List Settings
    • If you check yes to the previous item, please review the LISTSERV settings (there is a link in the form) and specify those settings in this box.   You can also use this box to specify that only some of the groupings should also have a mailing list.  For example, "I only want a mailing list for the non-compliant and renew groupings for both GCN and ISAT."

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