Consuming Messages from the UH Message Broker
Consuming Messages from the UH Message Broker
Identify Messages
- Check the list of exchanges hosted by the UH Message Broker
- Determine the name of the exchange you want to consume messages from.
- If you chose a topic exchange, review the message specs from the producer and decide whether you want all messages or only some messages. If the latter, pay attention to the message routing key for the subset of messages you want.
Request Access
- Contact its-iam-help@lists.hawaii.edu to request access:
- Provide the IP address(es) you'll be connecting from.
- Provide a desired username for the UH Message Broker. This should be something related to your application, not your personal username, e.g.
- student-housing
- It's better to use a name closely resembling the actual process name, especially if your application has multiple processes/components.
- Provide the name of the exchange you want to consume messages from
- We will declare the queue for you. The name of the queue will closely resemble the above username, typically followed by a .prod suffix, e.g.
- student-housing.prod
- Provide the message routing key pattern of the messages you are interested in. It is OK to specify multiple patterns. You can also provide a description of the messages you want, or simply state that you want all messages. We will use the information provided by you to define your queue's bindings. Here are some examples of message routing key patterns:
- # (you are interested in all messages)
- username.# (you only want username messages)
- affiliation...uhm.hris (you only want affiliation changes for UH Manoa coming from PeopleSoft)