Lookup all the member of a group

Lookup all the member of a group

query GroupRoleMembers($groupId: ID!, $roleId: ID!, $limit: Int, $skip: Int, $q: String) { group(id: $groupId) { id role(id: $roleId) { id name membersConnection(args: {limit: $limit, skip: $skip, query: $q}) { pageInfo { limit skip hasNextPage __typename } totalCount edges { node { id username firstName lastName email active label: displayName __typename } __typename } __typename } __typename } __typename } }


And add this to the query variables section and adjust the limit. Kuali limits the results to 100 records so manually page through using the skip variable.

{ "limit": 100, "skip": 0, "q": "", "groupId": "5db1faadd69b140016c790cd", "roleId": "members" }


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