HR Datamart PS Role Lookup API
HR Datamart PS Role Lookup API
This REST API will pull data from the HR Datamart EDADBA.HR_MANAGEMENT_TBL table.
Source Database Information
Located in LastPass vault
folder: Shared-ES Software Engineering Databases
name: ES WS HRDW 9.2
db user: uhapp_micro
table: edadba.HR_MANAGEMENT_TBL
API Methods
Retrieve PS Role Records for an employee
A user may have multiple roles. Aggregate the roles into one record.
SELECT LISTAGG(rolename,',') as role
WHERE emplid='23689961'
GROUP BY emplid
UH Number
Return: the single record for the given UH Number; pull the Kuali User ID for each row
PS Role Record Object
Database Column | Label in JSON |
emplid | uh_number |
name | name |
roleuser | uh_username |
rolename | role |
| kualiuser.id |
Cherwell ticket requesting access to the datamart table
, multiple selections available,
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