Questions for Functional

Questions for Functional


Do we need to give the applicant access to their team drive and dossier at state 112 and 2nd DPC assessment?

 Google Team Drive access levels

if the applicant will edit their own dossier/team drive, then give them the contributor role

Do we give the applicant access to their dossier at 111?Should be no

Should we use Yes/No for states 111 and 112 modal dialog versus just a checkbox?Yes / No radial because we're seeing that faculty and coordinators are getting confused with just the single checkbox
ReviewIf there's a negative review, what's the workflow process like?

After the TPRC does their review, then the Chancellor's office gets the dossier and has to look at all of the recommendations.  At this point, they need to notify the applicant: 1) what the TPRC's recommendation is, and 2) if there is any negative at any other level, and if so, they are given 5 days to notify the Chancellor whether they want to review the document.  That's when you told me that the email was already sent to the applicant saying that the reviews were done and that they can see their dossier--which we need to fix because they shouldn't automatically have access to their document at this point in time. Applicant is given 10 days to review and submit written comments and additional materials.

Can this change or is it a union or policy or AP thing where procedures need to be followed to the 'T'?

We need an audit log.

ReviewHow often do applicants appeal?  Can it be a manual process if we do get appeals this year?Won't plan for it this phase; last year had 1 but she didn't appeal
ReviewCan the communication of getting more info from applicant be done outside the system?Yes, that's how it was with Interfolio last year so let's do the same for this go around.

Can VPCC office review with the email templates?

  • Any sample of what is sent to the applicant when the chancellor makes his ruling?
Forwarded to Sandra 8/11/2017
AccessShould the applicant be able to see the assessment by the chancellor through the website?
How does the scenario play out when the applicant is recommended or not recommended?
No. Don't worry about this for now.
StatesCan we display where the application is vs just saying Under Review?Yes!



Application for Tenure and/or Promotion

  • Does Manoa have multiple chancellor office designations to review applications?
    • Ans: no
  • Faculty questions
    • Can we use the faculty's @hawaii.edu address instead of allowing them to specify one?
  • Coordinator questions
    • Can you have a coordinator/chancellor secretary for multiple campuses?
      • Ans: no
    • Does the coordinator need to complete their eligibility portion before the faculty can begin building their dossier?
      • Ans: no, the faculty can building their dossier immediately and editing the eligibility portion needs to be restricted to the coordinator
    • Does SW need to be an option for campus?
      • Ans: no
  • Eligibility section
    • When have any of the fields in the application changed?  If never, then we hard code the tables/column names. 
    • Tenure Consideration question - Can we just allow the Chancellor's secretary to add an attachment in support of shortening/extension approval; if none exists then it's the 5th probationary year of service
  • Reviewer questions
    • Should the reviewers be able to see applications that they've reviewed but have not been closed yet
      • Ans: no
  • Reporting
    • What are the reporting requirements?
      • Phase II
    • Who needs to view historical applications?
      • Chancellor/coordinator
      • Administrators
      • Faculty


  • How big is the focus group going to be for 2017 - 2018?
    • 13 people
  • Can a faculty have multiple applications open at any given time?
    • Ans: no
  • Can a faculty start his own application?
    • Ans: no the chancellor's secretary will start it
  • Any preference on terminology when it comes to "packets" or "cases"?
    • Ans: proper term is Application

See 1-31-2017 conference call and 02-082017 conference call with Sandra