BOR Report
BOR Report
These reports have been moved to ReportServer and separated out by campus. The information below is still applicable and the query below was copied from ReportServer.
BOR Report (see positive/negative templates)
- Only create 1 csv file
- Exclude Contract Renewal applications
- Include applications with the status Appeal, Final, Awaiting President Approval for the current year
Mapping of data from this spreadsheet
- Campus
- Campus DESC
- College/Department
- primary_department and primary_college from ELIGIBILITY table
- (EAC_SECTION_DESC from HR datamart's psempl table)
- T/P database - PERSON table
- Last Name/First Name
- T/P database - PERSON table
- Middle Name
- Leave out of the results
- Current Rank
- T/P database - ELIGIBILITY table's current_rank_id maps to APPPOINTMENT_RANK table's classification_code + code
- Current Title
- T/P database - ELIGIBILITY table's current_rank_id maps to APPPOINTMENT_RANK table's Description
- Recommended Action
- T/P database - APPLICATION table's application_type_id maps to APPLICATION_TYPE table's Description
- Recommended Rank
- need to calculate this based off the application type and the current rank
- if Tenure only, rank stays the same, i.e. C2 → C2
- if Tenure and Promotion, rank stays the same if promotion denied or increases to the next step if promotion granted
- any other type with promotion in it, rank increases to the next step, i.e. C2 → C3 or I2A → I2B
- need to calculate this based off the application type and the current rank
- Recommended Title
- use the APPOINTMENT_RANK table's description based on the Recommended Rank above
- Discipline
- T/P database - ELIGIBILITY table's SUBJECT column
- Yes or No
- Strengths and Weaknesses leave blank
- DC/Dean/TPRC/TPRC 2nd/Chancellor-Provost
- Yes or No
- Final Action
- if Chancellor/Provost is Yes, then final action will be "Approved", otherwise "Denied"
This query is the most recent iteration dated 8/29/2022
select campus.description as Campus, person.uhuuid, person.Name, positions.positions, e.primary_department as Department, e.primary_college as College, concat(ar.classification_code,ar.code) as Current_Rank,ar.description as Current_Title, application_type.description as Proposed_Action, case when application_type.id=1 then concat(ar.classification_code,ar.code) else concat(ar.classification_code,ar.code+1) end as Proposed_Rank, case when application_type.id=1 then ar.description else (select description from appointment_rank where ar.id+1=appointment_rank.id) end as Proposed_Title, e.subject as Discipline, case when dpc_review.recommendation='Y' then 'R' when dpc_review.recommendation='N' then 'NR' when dpc_review.recommendation='D' then '-' else 'NA' end as DPC, case when dpc_review.recommendation2='Y' then 'R' when dpc_review.recommendation2='N' then 'NR' when dpc_review.recommendation2='D' then '-' else 'NA' end as DPC_P, case when dpc2_review.recommendation='Y' then 'R' when dpc2_review.recommendation='N' then 'NR' when dpc2_review.recommendation='D' then '-' else 'NA' end as DPC2nd, case when dpc2_review.recommendation2='Y' then 'R' when dpc2_review.recommendation2='N' then 'NR' when dpc2_review.recommendation2='D' then '-' else 'NA' end as DPC2nd_P, case when dc_review.recommendation='Y' then 'R' when dc_review.recommendation='N' then 'NR' when dc_review.recommendation='D' then '-' else 'NA' end as DC, case when dc_review.recommendation2='Y' then 'R' when dc_review.recommendation2='N' then 'NR' when dc_review.recommendation2='D' then '-' else 'NA' end as DC_P, case when dean_review.recommendation='Y' then 'R' when dean_review.recommendation='N' then 'NR' when dean_review.recommendation='D' then '-' else 'NA' end as Dean, case when dean_review.recommendation2='Y' then 'R' when dean_review.recommendation2='N' then 'NR' when dean_review.recommendation2='D' then '-' else 'NA' end as Dean_P, case when tprc_review.recommendation='Y' then 'R' when tprc_review.recommendation='N' then 'NR' when tprc_review.recommendation='D' then '-' else 'NA' end as TRPC, case when tprc_review.recommendation2='Y' then 'R' when tprc_review.recommendation2='N' then 'NR' when tprc_review.recommendation2='D' then '-' else 'NA' end as TRPC_P, case when tprc2_review.recommendation='Y' then 'R' when tprc2_review.recommendation='N' then 'NR' when tprc2_review.recommendation='D' then '-' else 'NA' end as TRPC2nd, case when tprc2_review.recommendation2='Y' then 'R' when tprc2_review.recommendation2='N' then 'NR' when tprc2_review.recommendation2='D' then '-' else 'NA' end as TRPC2nd_P, case when chancellor_review.recommendation='Y' then 'R' when chancellor_review.recommendation='N' then 'NR' when chancellor_review.recommendation='D' then '-' else 'NA' end as Chancellor, case when chancellor_review.recommendation2='Y' then 'R' when chancellor_review.recommendation2='N' then 'NR' when chancellor_review.recommendation2='D' then '-' else 'NA' end as Chancellor_P, case when (chancellor_review.recommendation='Y' or chancellor_review.recommendation2='Y') then 'Positive' else 'Negative' end as Final_Action from application a, office, person, campus, eligibility e, appointment_rank ar, application_role, application_type, state, (select app.id as application_id,arec.recommendation,arec.recommendation2 from application app left join (select * from application_recommendation where reviewer='DPC') arec on app.id=arec.application_id) dpc_review, (select app.id as application_id,arec.recommendation,arec.recommendation2 from application app left join (select * from application_recommendation where reviewer='DPC-2ND') arec on app.id=arec.application_id) dpc2_review, (select app.id as application_id,arec.recommendation,arec.recommendation2 from application app left join (select * from application_recommendation where reviewer='DC') arec on app.id=arec.application_id) dc_review, (select app.id as application_id,arec.recommendation,arec.recommendation2 from application app left join (select * from application_recommendation where reviewer='Dean') arec on app.id=arec.application_id) dean_review, (select app.id as application_id,arec.recommendation,arec.recommendation2 from application app left join (select * from application_recommendation where reviewer='TPRC') arec on app.id=arec.application_id) tprc_review, (select app.id as application_id,arec.recommendation,arec.recommendation2 from application app left join (select * from application_recommendation where reviewer='TPRC-2ND') arec on app.id=arec.application_id) tprc2_review, (select app.id as application_id,arec.recommendation,arec.recommendation2 from application app left join (select * from application_recommendation where reviewer='Chancellor') arec on app.id=arec.application_id) chancellor_review, (SELECT emp.uhuuid, GROUP_CONCAT(emp.position_no separator ', ') as positions FROM hrdw_employee emp LEFT JOIN person ON emp.uhuuid=person.uhuuid GROUP BY emp.uhuuid) positions where a.office_id=office.id and a.id=e.application_id and application_role.person_id=person.id and application_role.application_id=a.id and application_role.role_id=1 and office.campus_id=campus.id and e.current_rank_id=ar.id and a.year=${year} and dpc_review.application_id=a.id and dpc2_review.application_id=a.id and dc_review.application_id=a.id and dean_review.application_id=a.id and tprc_review.application_id=a.id and tprc2_review.application_id=a.id and chancellor_review.application_id=a.id and application_type.id=a.application_type_id and a.application_type_id<>5 and person.uhuuid=positions.uhuuid and (state.id=118 or state.id=122 or state.id=115) and campus.code=${campusCode} group by a.id order by campus
, multiple selections available,
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