List of Reviewers

List of Reviewers

Report will be used to email reviewers to gather feedback on the system. FT-301

Query below is the most current and applies to 2018 CC applications

select a.id as Application_ID, campus.description as Campus, person.Name as Applicant, r.name as Reviewer, r.email as Reviewer_Email, r.Role 
from application a, office, person, campus, application_role,
(select ari.application_id,person.name,person.email,role_id, role.role from application_role ari, person, role
 where ari.person_id=person.id and role.id=ari.role_id and role_id in (4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11)) r
where a.office_id=office.id and
application_role.person_id=person.id and 
application_role.application_id=a.id and 
application_role.role_id=1 and 
office.campus_id=campus.id and 
a.year=2018 and a.office_id <> 7 and 
r.application_id=a.id order by a.id, r.role_id;