Create New ITS Staff Record
General Information
Add a new ITS staff member to the system
Trigger Event: The administrator clicks on the “Add New ITS Staff” link on the admin menu under the “Manage Staff Personnel Info” section
Process Flow:
The administrator enters the UH Username or UH Number of the staff to add to the system
Peoplesoft data is pre populated on the form using the staff’s UH number and position no
The administrator inputs the required data
The administrator clicks the Add button to create the record
Outcome: The ITS staff’s personnel (if doesn’t exist) and the persposition record is created.
Input Requirements
Input Fields:
UH Number or UH Username
HR datamart
Data is pulled based on the UH number and position no. If the staff has multiple positions, the administrator must select the position no prior to the system fetching the data from the datamart
The prefilled fields are name, UH Username, UH Number, position no, career group title, BU, division, FTE, UH hire date, account code(s), payroll no, WDC, pay range and step, base pay, oth/temp diff, total salary, supervisor
Input required fields through the user interface
Business Rules
Validation Rules:
Only a user with an internal role, i.e. SYS-DEV, SYS-ADM, ADM, can perform this function
Conditional Logic:
If the record with the UH Number and position number already exists in the system, display a message indicating that the record already exists and disable the “Add” button
If a position number is selected, validate it against the HR datamart. If the staff does not hold that position, display a message indicating that the employee doesn’t hold this position and disable the “Add” button
Error Handling
Common Errors:
No username or UH number input
Invalid username or UH number input
Display a message requiring the username or UH number in order to proceed
Display an invalid entry message
User interaction and design
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