2017-07-07 Meeting
2017-07-07 Meeting
- Sandra Uyeno
- Leilani Umehira
- Susan Lee
- Beverly McCreary
- Clara Bantolina
- Cameron Ahana
- Blake Hixson
- Frank Duckart
- Maggie Kaleleiki
- Erik Meade
Discussion items
What's the training date?
Who's training?
- faculty and coordinators
- setup Slack team
What's the go-live date? 7/17
What's the production url?
Add dialog format is broken when browser window is wide- Load real States into Test and Training
Word (pdf retains the TOC)
- links to Acrobat reader
- print from Word to PDF
- Acrobat pro allows them to modify the PDF
Manage Committees
hide it from the applicant- allow coordinators to edit throughout the application process
Add applicant
- send an automated email
Cameron Ahana create jira
Bev at Manoa
- FAQ with faculty exclusion info
- soft deadlines for committees until TPRC, which is a hard deadline
- for manoa, the dean's office controls up until the Dean/Director and Chancellors controls TPRC
Application deadline is the only hard deadline
- consistent among all campuses October 6, 2017
Need to be able to view document as the reviewer (early September)
No submit button at all and just transition to SUBMITTED
- countdown to the hard deadline
narrative vs appendicies- Letters of support after they submit but after the hard deadline
ADA compliance
scratching as image for header sections<span class="sr-only">alternate text</span> aria-label
Action Items
- Cameron Ahana review previous meeting's action items
- Cameron Ahana verify the production url?
- Cameron Ahana check if we have any ADA applicants
, multiple selections available,