2017-04-12 Feedback Meeting
2017-04-12 Feedback Meeting
- Cameron Ahana
- Sandra Uyeno
- Leilani
- Susan
Discussion items
- Can view all recommendations by all committees
Reviewers (goal is to make it easier to review documents)
- some attachments reference google docs which must be public because the reviewer must remain anonymous
- dossier - once you submit it's final and cannot be changed and google doc can be changed
- some attachments reference appendices so the reviewers wanted a way to hyperlink it to the specific document in the appendix vs. scrolling down and opening the appendix
- documents couldn't be rotated so some were reviewing the document sideways
- annotations weren't used that much; it worked for those that used it but it's not a high priority requirement
- if there are annotations, then they'd want it consolidated in one place or some collection section
- like kindle reader or iphone reader
- bookmark feature to know where they left off in a document
- most people use laptops to review but some use ipads or tablets
- will not have access to the application once they send it forward
Committee Chair forget's to send the case forward; they only uploaded the report
- need validation that it was sent forward, i.e. there's a message on the screen
- needs to see prior committee's recommendations while the application is sitting with them
Dossier builder
- flowpaper
- search through text within a document
- one guy took a pic of his doc and then uploaded it (Tiny Scanner app)
- can't be converted to searchable text
One applicant's appendices was 140 pages long so they had to chunk it by buying Adobe Acrobat pro
- could have been limit on file sizemaybe limit on file size
- resizing the document so that they could see it better
- resizing should show scroll bars instead of extending the browser window
- upload to flowpaper (if it was a PDF) kept the section headers
- see Susan Lee - Test II application, Title IX attachment for the TOC (supporting materials)
- sections/categories
- some said too prescriptive
- others said they liked it
- default the 12 - 15 sections and allow applicant to move them around as well as move attachments between and within sections
- applicant's need to be able to view what they upload
- should be exactly what the reviewers see
Later Phases
- laulima for rich text editor (later phase)
- building dossier that's stored on their account vs by application (Phase II)
- when filling out an application, the applicant should be able to select from their documents stored by application
- issue is synching the two up where the library could have multiple versions of the same document
- when filling out an application, the applicant should be able to select from their documents stored by application
Sandra will notify faculty to use the new system in 2nd week of May
- training will happen in July so first phase must be done by July 1
- Sandra will need to train coordinators
- get feedback from last year's applicants
- need to be shown to UHPA (for preview)
Action Items
, multiple selections available,