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JIRA reference: FT-520

High Level Requirements

Who: CoordinatorsApplicant

What: Applicant wishes to rescind their application

  • generally an applicant withdraws after they get a negative recommendation from the TPRC
  • applies to all application types, T/P and CR apps


  • available for any status except In Progress (101), Final (115), CR Final (133), Withdrawn (??)




  • Applicant is complete with the review of negative recommendation(s) and must decide if they want to submit a rebuttal or not


  • Application is in state Applicant Reviewing (112)


  • Create two buttons labeled "Decline Rebuttal" and "Submit Rebuttal" in the sub-banner on the top right of application view


When the "Decline Rebuttal" button is pressed


  • On the user interface, treat this withdrawn state like the FINAL state so any references in showing/hiding tabs, buttons, etc for the FINAL state will apply to WITHDRAWN state


  • action_code = application.withdraw
  • action_description = Application withdrawn


is clicked

When the "Submit Rebuttal" button is clicked (for application types 1 (Tenure Only), 2 (Promotion Only), 3 (Tenure with Automatic Promotion))

  • Display dialog
    • Dialog title: Submit Rebuttal Confirmation
    • Dialog text:
      • Are you sure you are ready to submit your rebuttal?
    • Dialog buttons: Cancel, Submit Rebuttal
  • When Cancel is clicked, close dialog and do nothing
  • When Submit is clicked, do the following
    • APPLICATION.applicant_info_provided = Y
    • Transition to the next state based on applicant providing info
  • Send notification (see
  • Google shared drive permissions
    • remove everyone except for uhtnp, chancellor and coordinators
    • add the applicant on as a viewer

Questions/Ongoing Discussion with Functionals

  • How often does separation happen?
    • if it doesn't happen often or a handful a year, perhaps it's best to leave it as an admin function to delete the application
  • What happened in the hard copy process?
    • School kept a copy and the rest of the copies returned to the applicant
  • Did anyone talk to UHPA about allowing applicant to see reviews at say the DPC/DC?
    • if withdrawn at the TPRC, applicant is allowed to see reviews
    • if TPRC all positive, Kardash asked CCs to show reviews because Manoa was doing it 
  • Meeting notes: 2021-02-04 Bi Weekly Meeting
  • still contemplating this requirement

    For a withdrawn application, the applicant cannot see the DPC and DC assessments if the application is withdrawn prior to the Dean submitting their assessment; the applicant can see the assessments otherwise.
  • get clarification from functionals as to why this requirement matters; we avoid exception programming
  • is this restriction stated in the CBA?SubmittedRebuttalTemplate(draft))

When the "Submit Rebuttal" button is clicked (for application type 4 (Tenure and Promotion))

  • Display dialog
    • Dialog title: Submit Rebuttal Confirmation
    • Dialog text:
      • Select what you're submitting a rebuttal for.
      • (radial) Tenure
      • (radial) Promotion
      • (radial) Both
    • Dialog buttons: Cancel, Submit Rebuttal
      • Submit Rebuttal button becomes enabled once a selection is made
  • When Cancel is clicked, close dialog and do nothing
  • When Submit is clicked, do the following
    • if Tenure selected
      • APPLICATION.applicant_info_provided = Y and APPLICATION.applicant_info_provided2 = N
      • APPLICATION.applicant_info_provided = N and APPLICATION.applicant_info_provided2 = Y
      • APPLICATION.applicant_info_provided = Y and APPLICATION.applicant_info_provided2 = Y
    • Transition to the next state based on the answer to the question
  • Send notification (see

Update notification

Questions/Ongoing Discussion with Functionals

Should the name of the button change?

  • No create two buttons to make it clearer to the applicant on what they need to do

What question should we ask the applicant on the dialog box? 

  • We only need to ask the applicant the question on the Tenure and Promotion application type

Should the applicant receive an email after their review/rebuttal is done?

  • yes