JIRA reference: FT-520
High Level Requirements
Who: CoordinatorsApplicant
What: Applicant wishes to rescind their application
- generally an applicant withdraws after they get a negative recommendation from the TPRC
- applies to all application types, T/P and CR apps
- Applicant is complete with the review of negative recommendation(s) and must decide if they want to submit a rebuttal or not
- Application is in state Applicant Reviewing (112)
- Add button with label "Withdraw ApplicationReview/Rebuttal Complete" in the sub-banner on the top right of application view
When button is pressed
- On the user interface, treat this withdrawn state like the FINAL state so any references in showing/hiding tabs, buttons, etc for the FINAL state will apply to WITHDRAWN state
- action_code = application.withdraw
- action_description = Application withdrawn
the "Review/Rebuttal Complete" button is clicked
- Display dialog
- Dialog title: Review/Rebuttal
- Dialog text:
- Have you provided a rebuttal to the negative reviews?
- (radial) Yes (radial) No
- Clicking Submit will send your application to the next stage in the workflow. If you selected Yes and the TPRC assessment is negative, your application will be sent to the TPRC for a 2nd review, otherwise your application will be sent to the Chancellor/Provost.
- Dialog buttons: Cancel, Submit
- When Cancel is clicked, close dialog and do nothing
- When Submit is clicked, do the following
- Persist the answer to the question (Yes/No) to APPLICATION.applicant_info_provided
- Transition to the next state based on the answer to the question
- Update notifications
- See https://www.hawaii.edu/bwiki/display/FT/Email+Templates#EmailTemplates-WithdrawnTemplate
- remove everyone except for uhtnp, chancellor and coordinators
- add the applicant on as a viewer-ReviewandProvideRebuttalTemplate(updateperFT-520)
- change in the email is to replace "Complete Review" with "Review/Rebuttal Complete"
Questions/Ongoing Discussion with Functionals
- if it doesn't happen often or a handful a year, perhaps it's best to leave it as an admin function to delete the application
- School kept a copy and the rest of the copies returned to the applicant
- if withdrawn at the TPRC, applicant is allowed to see reviews
- if TPRC all positive, Kardash asked CCs to show reviews because Manoa was doing it
still contemplating this requirement