JIRA reference: FT-520
High Level Requirements
Who: Applicant
- Applicant is complete with the review of negative recommendation(s) and must decide if they want to submit a rebuttal or not
- Application is in state Applicant Reviewing (112)
- Add button with label "Review/Rebuttal Complete" in the sub-banner on the top right of application view
When the "Review/Rebuttal Complete" button is clicked
- Display dialog
- Dialog title: Review/Rebuttal
- Dialog text:
- Are you submitting a rebuttal?
- (radial) Yes (radial) No
- "Clicking Submit will send your application to the next stage in the workflow. If you selected Yes and the TPRC assessment is negative, your application will be sent to the TPRC for a 2nd review, otherwise your application will be sent to the Chancellor/Provost."
- Dialog buttons: Cancel, Submit
- Submit button must be non-clickable until the Yes or No radial is selected
- When Cancel is clicked, close dialog and do nothing
- When Submit is clicked, do the following
- Persist the answer to the question (Yes/No) to APPLICATION.applicant_info_provided
- Transition to the next state based on the answer to the question
- Update notifications
- See https://www.hawaii.edu/bwiki/display/FT/Email+Templates#EmailTemplates-ReviewandProvideRebuttalTemplate(updateperFT-520)
- change in the email is to replace "Complete Review" with "Review/Rebuttal Complete"
- See https://www.hawaii.edu/bwiki/display/FT/Email+Templates#EmailTemplates-ReviewandProvideRebuttalTemplate(updateperFT-520)
Questions/Ongoing Discussion with Functionals
Name of the button
- Change from "Complete Review" to "Review/Rebuttal Complete"
Question to ask the application on the dialog box
- Are you submitting a rebuttal?