API Resources for Software Development
API Resources for Software Development
REST provides significant advantages over RPC-based architectures. When it comes to designing REST APIs, one can probably divide the work into these areas:
- Identifying resources or things that you want to perform operations on.
- Modeling these objects /resources - what fields and attributes are present.
- Documentation format - RAML , swagger or others
- Hypermedia format - json collection, HAL, Siren, JSONAPI or others
- API Evangelist - he has been doing research the longest on the topic of APIs and his work iOS highly respected http://apievangelist.com/
- RESTful Web APIs - great book to have as a reference http://shop.oreilly.com/product/mobile/0636920028468.do
- APIstrat - great conference on APIs, all of their presentations are available online http://apistrategyconference.com/
- Blog entry on platforms as a culture - https://plus.google.com/+RipRowan/posts/eVeouesvaVX
- José Cedeño at Oregon State University for providing the above.
, multiple selections available,