Geeking notes

Geeking notes


Official Logos etc here

Personal Certs and Personal Certs Administration

Excel PowerPivot adds BI functionality to Excel 2010 Windows version.

Comparing Google@UH Groups vs LISTSERV lists

Amazon AWS now supports Shib

Extending Shib/GAE workflow

Agile Programming resources

Programming Languages

Programming Resources

Web-app testing urls

Laws of Identity

Person Attribute Definitions

DateTime Attribute Definitions

  • http://www.w3.org/TR/2004/REC-xmlschema-2-20041028/ - punctuation is required: yyyy-mm-ddThh:mm:ss
    • Relevant for the XML schema
    • Scott Canto recommends full punctuation for signing and warns that canonical != lexical should be avoided.
  • ISO 8601 - suggests punctuation is optional

MySQL Alternatives:

Web Development Tools

Google Tools

Technology and Society