2018-06-26 Technical Status Meeting

2018-06-26 Technical Status Meeting


Discussion items

Nakoa case

  • google id will need to change
  • what happens to the links in the dossier table
  • attempt to transfer files to a team drive
  • need to create a separate team drive with 1004

Google Drive

  • No folders in the team drives

Action Items 

  • Cameron Ahana update documentation for team drive folders
  • Cameron Ahana do we need to show the codes anywhere like in reports or in drop down lists and if there's a particular sort order
    • they want the format of the drop down to be [code - description]
    • sort order is defined in the Lookup Data page
  • Cameron Ahana look for an example of the IR code in HR datamart
    • there is none; Deena said to remove the IR code from the application