2021-04-29 Meeting with OnBase team
2021-04-29 Meeting with OnBase team
Naming of the index and PDF file (Shaun Blake)
- date/timestamp-UH Number-Document Type-index.txt
- remove spaces between delimiters
- date/timestamp-UH Number-Document Type.pdf
Index file (Shaun Blake)
- add |16 at the end of the record to identify it as a PDF to OnBase
KB Configuration form (Cameron Ahana )
- rename the document type field and add in help text
- rename the app ID field and add in help text
Error handling
- rerun the service if an error occurs
- can do through swagger UI
Configuration document mods
Workflow approval to the OnBase team to validate data when multiple depts start using it
spreadsheet by dept listing and document types
- hold off because it's another spreadsheet for ECM to update
- Add workflow notification step at the end to the submitter saying it was approved (Cameron Ahana)
Allow multiple instances of the configuration (Shaun Blake)
- take the most recent configuration for the OnBase document type and Build App ID
Standardize on a business process for changes to build form (Scott Ogasawara, Darry Tse)
- everyone needs to follow the same process and coordination
, multiple selections available,
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