2021-06-02 Meeting with OnBase team
2021-06-02 Meeting with OnBase team
Tickets for Kuali (Cameron Ahana)
- json key section had limited visibility until application was selected
- viewing the document after submission didn't save any of the json keys
Error handling
- rerun the POST through swagger UI for the kuali-build-to-onbase project
- user has access
- dump everything into the kualibld directory
- there's a graddiv folder but we may have to accommodate other solutions
Standardize on a business process for changes to build form (Scott Ogasawara, Darry Tse)
- everyone needs to follow the same process and coordination
Business Process change procedures
- Adjust the KB application's form permissions so nobody can create a new document.
- Make sure all the documents still in the workflow process complete and get uploaded to OnBase (which will use the current document type configuration).
- Create the new document type configuration in KB which will send the new configuration to the OnBase team.
- The OnBase team will update the OnBase team configuration.
- Adjust the KB applications' form permissions to allow people to create a document again.
Action Items
- Cameron Ahana create Kuali tickets listed in these notes
- Cameron Ahana rename the document type field and add in help text on the configuration document
- Cameron Ahana / Scott Ogasawara lay out business process for configuration changes
- Cameron Ahana setup follow up meeting for business process discussion next week
, multiple selections available,
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