If you use HR-specific data elements such as EAC (employing agency code), employee record number, employee home record designation, job code/grade or functional code, you will need to modify your application during the weekend of February 12, 2021. The PeopleSoft HR system will be upgraded to version 9.2, and the following data will change:
- Employee Record Number
- Where it appears:
- UHIMS Events, appears as employeeRecord field in affiliation and scoped home org messages
- CAS/LDAP, embedded in uhScopedHomeOrg attribute when value begins with dataOrigin=hris.
- If you stored the value of employeeRecord 1 in your application data, you should change it from 1 to 0 during the weekend of February 12, 2021.
- Why? Our current data feed from PeopleSoft translates employee record number 0 to be employee record number 1, and that's how we present it in UHIMS Events and LDAP. There was never the possibility of an actual employee record number 1 in PeopleSoft, but that will no longer be true after this upgrade.
- If you used the employee record number solely for the purpose of figuring out the employee's home record (it used to be that the lowest number would always be the home record), you should instead use the employee home record indicator (see below).
- Where it appears:
- Employee Home Record
- Where it appears:
- UHIMS Events, appears as isHomeRecord field in affiliation and scoped home org messages
- CAS/LDAP, the uhScopedHomeOrg attribute whose value begins with dataOrigin=hris is the employee home record. All HR fields that appear here correspond to the home record.
- There are no changes to the isHomeRecord data element itself. We are only highlighting it here, in case you were reading employeeRecord values only to figure out the home record. You should always use isHomeRecord, not employeeRecord numbers for this purpose.
- Where it appears:
- EAC (Employing Agency Code)
- Where it appears:
- UHIMS Events, appears as eac field in affiliation and scoped home org messages
- CAS/LDAP, embedded in uhScopedHomeOrg attribute when value begins with dataOrigin=hris.
- UH Group Store, under the hawaii.edu:hris:eac folder
- If your application uses the EAC, you need to figure out how it needs to be modified to handle a complete overhaul of EAC values.
- The EAC will change in length from 8 to 11 characters.
- Most of the existing EACs will be converted by adding a leading zero as follows:
- 22 50 31 00 → 22 050 031 000
- There will be some new EAC values altogether, i.e. not the result of converting from an existing EAC as done above.
- If you use the EAC indirectly via UH Groupings, we will make the change to your grouping definitions.
- If you use the EAC by talking directly to Grouper (e.g. via API), you should change to the new EAC values after the upgrade.
- Time permitting, we may support backward compatibility by linking old and new EACs in the UH Group Store
- Where it appears:
- Job Code and Grade
- Where it appears:
- UHIMS Events, appears as jobCode field in affiliation and scoped home org messages
- CAS/LDAP, embedded in uhScopedHomeOrg attribute when value begins with dataOrigin=hris.
- UH Group Store, under the hawaii.edu:hris:jobCode folder
- The grade will no longer be appended to the jobCode. It will appear as a separate data element.
- Where it appears:
- Functional Code
- Where it appears:
- UHIMS Events, appears as functionalCode field in affiliation and scoped home org messages
- CAS/LDAP, embedded in uhScopedHomeOrg attribute when value begins with dataOrigin=hris.
- UH Group Store, under the hawaii.edu:hris:functionalCode folder
- The functionalCode is gone after the upgrade. Please check with your HR/PeopleSoft contact if you need to address this.
- Where it appears:
- Employee Type Code
- Where it appears:
- UHIMS Events, appears as employeeTypeCode field in affiliation and scoped home org messages
- CAS/LDAP, embedded in uhScopedHomeOrg attribute when value begins with dataOrigin=hris.
- Your application should account for a new value of P (person of interest) that can now appear in employeeTypeCode.
- The role value for these individuals will likely be "staff.nonCompensated" or "other"
- The role value for these individuals will likely be "staff.nonCompensated" or "other"
- What we know thus far about the person of interest (POI) category:
- These are not employees, and they are not compensated. For example, non-employee PI's that need to approve workflow processes in PeopleSoft.
- Current employees with the non-compensated job code are also considered POIs, but they are already accounted for under the non-compensated staff category.
- Where it appears:
- New data elements
- The following new fields will appear in UHIMS Events affiliation messages and inside the uhScopedHomeOrg CAS/LDAP attribute:
- grade
- jobFunction
- departmentID
- The following new fields will appear in UHIMS Events affiliation messages and inside the uhScopedHomeOrg CAS/LDAP attribute:
If you are affected by these changes, please monitor this page and our blog for updates. You may also send us an email at its-iam-help@lists.hawaii.edu so that we may notify you directly of any changes.
There may be other changes happening with this PeopleSoft upgrade not mentioned here because they don't affect our services. If you integrate directly with PeopleSoft, be sure to work with your PeopleSoft contact and find out if there are other changes that affect you.
We do not necessarily understand the meaning of each PeopleSoft code change; we just pass them through as given to us. If you have questions that require HR domain knowledge (i.e. questions that don't have anything to do with UHIMS Events or CAS/LDAP), please contact the PeopleSoft upgrade team by email: ps92team@hawaii.edu