- Create application in TEST to make sure of the following
- Application successfully linked to Team Drive
- Eligibility data pre-filled with the data from PS
- Campus specific sections successfully created on the Dossier
- Dossier testing
- upload file
- create google file
- link to google file
7/10/2018 -
- create simp ticket for production deployment of the new code base
- create accounts in TEST for Frank, Ariana and Adam
- create 30 more test/prod team drives
7/16/2018 - deploy new code base to production and apply schema changes
7/16/2018 - meet with Sandra to review exclusion changes and to prep for training on 7/18 and 7/19
7/16/2018 - create the 2018 applications
- includes Frank and Ariana (and Adam?) from the Dept of Learning Design and Technology at Manoa