Blog from September, 2022

UH Groupings Fall 2022 Updates

Table of Contents


This update of UH Groupings is scheduled to go into production on Tuesday, November 22, 2022 (new date). The service will be unavailable between 5:00 PM and 5:30 PM.

This update provides significant improvements in usability and functionality. For more information on the groupings concepts, please see the UH Groupings service description.

Features and Changes

  1. Greatly improved user interface, tested for ADA compliance.

  2. Ability to import users into a grouping from a CSV file.

  3. Ability to add owner-defined descriptions to a grouping.

  4. Faster response times (additional performance improvements are planned).

  5. Split the project into two projects, a UI front end and an API back end.

  6. Update dependencies to improve security and reliability.

  7. Major bug fix to address support for very large groupings, 10k+

  8. Minor bug fixes.

  9. Increase code coverage for unit and system testing.

A special thanks to the students that have been working on this project. Their efforts and talents are very much appreciated.


Why the delay?

A problem was discovered in Production that is not evident in Test due to differences in the data between the two environments. Upon discovering the issue it was necessary to review the codebase to ensure that all potential occurrences of the issue are identified and remediated. The issue? Production has no groupings that allow a person to self-serve opt-in, which resulted in a null point exception.

The Grouper Web Service (WS) was updated to make the following additional attributes available:

  • uhOrgAffiliation

  • eduPersonAffiliation

  • eduPersonOrgDN

  • uhScopedHomeOrg

These new attributes are potentially multivalued. Where more than one value is available for a given attribute, the values will be separated with a delimiter of three vertical bars, “|||”

  • E.g. eduPersonAffiliation with values “faculty” and “staff” returns “faculty|||staff”