About your UH Username and UH Number

About your UH Username and UH Number

The UH Username and UH Number are unique identifiers assigned to members of the University of Hawaii community which allow access to services that are available only to members of the UH community.

The UH Number has also been called "employee ID number" and "student ID number". A UH Number is permanently assigned to a person when they are first associated via a system of record (e.g. Human Resources, Student Registrar, etc.) with the University and does not change, regardless of whether they are a student, faculty, staff, affiliate, ohana, retiree, or any combination of these roles.  A UH number may also be manually assigned by authorized University representatives to a person that is not incorporated in one of the standard systems of record.

The UH Username is closely associated with the UH Number. The UH Username is obtained via a self-service application once a person has been assigned a UH Number.  It is used to establish a person's email address, and, along with a secret password of the their choice, is their key to using the University's online resources and other services.