UHWO (John Ly and Erin Kim)
Return Academic and Faculty Advisor (From SGRADVR)
Example: For graduation applications to be routed to the appropriate advisor.
Students current active program (From SGBSTDN)
Example: For graduation application, student can only select programs from the active SGASTDN record).
List of active majors students can select (From SOBCURR, SORCMJR, SORCCON, STVMAJR)
Example: Change of Major form asks the students which major they would like to change to.
Additional inquiry: Is the program list filterable? For example, if we wanted to only pull a list of DE programs? These programs have different rules.
CRN lookup that returns Course Title, Course Subject Code, Course Number, Instructor (From SSBSECT, SCBCRSE, and SIRASGN)
Example: Late Registration or Change of Grade forms will leverage this information to route to the appropriate instructor. It's also used for informational purposes like Course Substitution
List of Registered / Dropped Courses for the logged in student (From SFRSTCR, SSBSECT, SCBCRSE)
Example: VA Change in Enrollment Forms require students to report the courses they are adding or dropping in case it impacts their VA benefit amount. Course Substitution Requests also allows students to request that a course they have completed/currently taking to count towards another course.
Retrieve/update students address / phone number / preferred name / legal name (From SPRADDR, SPRTELE, SPBPERS, SPRIDEN)
Example: Student Data Change forms allows student to request updates to any of these fie
UHM International Exchange (Kathy Tran)
FAS status, or HI state residency
UH Maui College (Nicole Vida)
Could faculty data from Banner be included in Kuali Build apps as well?
Faculty assigned time by academic year or semester
Faculty workload and teaching equivalency by academic year or semester
Faculty receiving non-instructional assigned time by academic year or semester
Instructors teaching Early College courses and course information by academic year or semester
Faculty Tenure status