JIRA reference: FT-659
- Create a new tab called "Additional Information Requested"
- Editable version: Mimic Dossier tab's layout and controls (create section, upload file control, edit section name, delete file, move files within a section and between sections)
- Static version: exactly like the static Dossier tab, which only has the "Collapse/Expand All Sections" button. All files are static.
- Nice to have: add a counter in the tab's label denoting the number of files uploaded onto that tab
- ex. Additional Information Requested (3)
- Create a subfolder in the applicant's shared drive called "~tnp-additional-information"
- all files uploaded on this tab goes into this folder
- Affects on the Dossier tab
- All of the controls would be removed for coordinators; basically looks like the static version immediately above
- Only the applicant would have access to the controls if their DPC allows changes or if providing a rebuttal; according to Erik, there's a separate dossier page for the latter and a separate page for the former and a static page (3 pages total)
- Edit permissions, i.e. add sections, upload files, edit section names, remove files
- Manoa: coordinators;
DPC chair and DC - CC: coordinators
- WO: coordinators (chairs not likely to upload)
- Hilo: coordinators
- Manoa: coordinators;
- Hide this tab when the application is In Progress
- Hide this tab if the application is Final AND there are 0 documents uploaded to this tab
- Place this tab after the External Reviews tab