- Develop of the eligibility portion of the application
# | Title | User Story | Importance | Notes |
Eligibility Screen | Coordinator will input this information for the Applicant | Must Have |
| |
Form Fields | Campus
Subject Area
Primary Department
Primary College
Secondary Department
Secondary College
Initial Appointment
Current Appointment
Tenure Consideration
Tenure Year
Date of Last Promotion Waiver of Minimum Requirements
| Must Have |
User interaction and design
PeopleSoft Queries
Pulls all the fields in 1 query (subject area, primary and secondary department and college, initial and current appointment, date of tenure , date of last promotion
select ps.name, ps.employee_alt_id, ps.empl_record_no, ps.eac_division_desc as primary_division, ps.eac_branch_desc as primary_branch, ps.eac_section_desc as subject_area, secondary_ps.empl_record_no as secondary_empl_no, secondary_ps.eac_division_desc as secondary_division, secondary_ps.eac_branch_desc as secondary_branch, ps.grade as current_grade, initial_hire.grade as initial_grade, ps.tenure_code, ps.tenure_desc, ps.tenure_year as tenure_year, ps.univ_appt_date, ps.tenure_effective_date, initial_hire.pers_reason_effective_date as hire_date, last_promotion.pers_reason_effective_date as last_promotion_date from edadba.psempl ps, (select * from (select employee_alt_id, empl_record_no, eac_division_desc, eac_branch_desc, row_number() over(partition by employee_alt_id order by empl_record_no ) as sort_column from edadba.psempl where employee_alt_id='14589893' and employee_type_code='F' and empl_status <> 'T' and empl_record_no > 1) where sort_column = 1) secondary_ps, (select * from (select employee_alt_id, empl_record_no, grade, pers_reason_effective_date, row_number() over(partition by employee_alt_id order by pers_reason_effective_date ) as sort_column from edadba.hr_ps_report_tbl where employee_alt_id='14589893' and employee_type_code='F' and pers_action in ('HIR','HRC')) where sort_column = 1) initial_hire, (select * from (select employee_alt_id, empl_record_no, grade, pers_reason_effective_date, row_number() over(partition by employee_alt_id order by pers_reason_effective_date desc ) as sort_column from edadba.hr_ps_report_tbl where employee_alt_id='14589893' and employee_type_code='F' and pers_action='PRO') where sort_column = 1) last_promotion where ps.employee_alt_id='14589893' and ps.employee_type_code='F' and ps.empl_status <> 'T' and ps.employee_alt_id = secondary_ps.employee_alt_id(+) and ps.employee_alt_id=initial_hire.employee_alt_id(+) and ps.empl_record_no=initial_hire.empl_record_no(+) and ps.employee_alt_id=last_promotion.employee_alt_id(+) and ps.empl_record_no=last_promotion.empl_record_no(+);
Below is a list of questions to be addressed as a result of this requirements document:
Question | Outcome |
Is the Tenure Consideration field required? | yes |
Does the Coordinator need to upload a document of Chancellor's approval? | yes |