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In rank promotions are not contract renewal applications. They are promotions in rank, i.e. from I2-A to I2-B. How we currently handle them is by manually transitioning applications from the Dean to the Provost (for Manoa applications).


First we need to identify the in rank and delegated promotion applications. How does the system do that?


For these identified Only applies to promotions

Only applies to 4 year campuses (Manoa, UHWO, Hilo)

Add an "In-rank" checkbox to the Eligibility tab, which we'll use to determine if it's an in-rank promotion or not

For these "in-rank" applications, if the DPC, DC, and Dean are positive, skip the TPRC and go to the Provost. If any level below the Dean TPRC is negative, go to the TPRC.

I3 promotions follow the normal workflow and do not skip the TPRC.

There's an email that's sent to the applicant if all committee recommendations are positive. Since these in-rank applications skip the TPRC, send this email to the applicant if the DPC, DC and Dean are positive.
