DRAFT: UH Bargaining Unit | Purpose | All UH paid employees who are a union member of the UHPA or HGEA are a member of a particular unit. Each uhBargainingUnit |
Description | Compensated employees whose total FTE for all appointments is equal to or greater than 50% are assigned a Bargaining Unit (UHPA, UPW or HGEA). Each bargaining unit has its own collective bargaining agreement. Ultimately, a member will pay dues to one of the Unions and is associated to a single corresponding Bargaining Unit (as the DAGS payroll file has a single BU field). |
UH Data Classification | Public |
- Data designated for unrestricted use.
LDAP attribute info per Executive Policy 2.214 |
LDAP Attribute Info | - Name: uhBargainingUnit
- OID:
5923?? no- yes (equality)
- Required: no
- Multivalued:
yes storage(20), format: {a..z}{0..9}Example stored data | 08 |
Standard Display Formats | |
Example output with masking | |
System of Record(s) | PeopleSoft |
Notes | There is no significance to the order of appearance. No assumptions can be made about the contents of the first row, for example |
Example Stored Data | 08 |
Systems of Record | PeopleSoft |
UH Group Store | hawaii.edu:store:hris:uhBargainingUnit: |
UHIMS Events | - addAffilation or modifyAffiliation or deleteAffiliation
Notes | - OHR confirms that a person is assigned to only one Bargaining Unit. A person having multiple appointments is assigned a Bargaining Unit for each individual appointment based on the FTE of that appointment. However, if the total FTE for all appointments is equal to or greater than 50%, the employee is assigned membership into a single Bargaining Unit.
- Indexing allows for searching for all people in a bargaining unit.
- Bargaining Unit information is considered to be public information, per 92F-12(a)(14), <HRS_0092F>.