Naming of the index and PDF file (Shaun Blake)
- date/timestamp-UH Number-Document Type-index.txt
- remove spaces between delimiters
- date/timestamp-UH Number-Document Type.pdf
Index file (Shaun Blake)
- add |16 at the end of the record to identify it as a PDF to OnBase
KB Configuration form Tickets for Kuali (Cameron Ahana)
- rename the document type field and add in help text
- rename the app ID field and add in help textjson key section had limited visibility until application was selected
- viewing the document after submission didn't save any of the json keys
Error handling
- rerun the service if an error occurscan do POST through swagger UI
Configuration document mods
Workflow approval to the OnBase team to validate data when multiple depts start using it
spreadsheet by dept listing and document types
- hold off because it's another spreadsheet for ECM to update
- Add workflow notification step at the end to the submitter saying it was approved (Cameron Ahana)
Allow multiple instances of the configuration (Shaun Blake)
- take the most recent configuration for the OnBase document type and Build App ID
- for the kuali-build-to-onbase project
- user has access
- dump everything into the kualibld directory
- there's a graddiv folder but we may have to accommodate other solutions
Standardize on a business process for changes to build form (Scott Ogasawara, Darry Tse)
- everyone needs to follow the same process and coordination
Business Process change procedures
- Adjust the KB application's form permissions so nobody can create a new document.
- Make sure all the documents still in the workflow process complete and get uploaded to OnBase (which will use the current document type configuration).
- Create the new document type configuration in KB which will send the new configuration to the OnBase team.
- The OnBase team will update the OnBase team configuration.
- Adjust the KB applications' form permissions to allow people to create a document again.
Action Items
- Cameron Ahana create Kuali tickets listed in these notes
- Cameron Ahana rename the document type field and add in help text on the configuration document
- Cameron Ahana / Scott Ogasawara lay out business process for configuration changes
- Cameron Ahana setup follow up meeting for business process discussion next week