Versions Compared


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Role IDRole NameRole DescriptionRollup Employee TypeInt/ExtAccess
1SYS-DEVSystem Developer

staff/studentInternalCan access everything on the Admin menu
2SYS-ADMAdmin Services System Administratorstaff/studentInternal

Can access everything on the admin menu except for the following, which are static and not links:

  • Application Modules
  • ITS Sections
  • Roles
  • Buildings

On the Admin Users screen, user can add and manage the admin user records whose role SYS-ADM or ADM

3ADMAdmin Services StaffstaffInternal

Can access

  • Admin Users 
    • view only
  • Upload a file
4ITS-DIRITS DirectorstaffExternal
5ITS SMALL-MGRSITS Small Manager GroupstaffExternal
6ITS BIG-MGRSITS Big Manager GroupstaffExternal
7ITS-STAFF W/MGR ACCESSITS Staff with Manager AccessstaffExternal
8ITS-STAFFITS StaffstaffExternal
9ITS-STDITS StudentstudentExternal
10ITS-SECRETARYITS SecretarystaffExternal
11ITS-AFFILIATEITS AffiliatestaffExternal

** Roles in yellow have yet to be implemented

Roles can be external, internal, or both. An external role shows up as an option in the Role drop down list on the search criteria and on the Position Info page. An internal role shows up as an option for the Admin Users page. User interface sections are displayed or hidden depending on the role a user has. There are currently no roles that are both external and internal but a user can have multiple roles, i.e  both an internal role of SYS-DEV and an external role of ITS BIG-MGR.

Admin user roles dictate what options are available on the admin menu under Administrative Functions. See table above for more information.